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LinuxFest Northwest 2007

Time to put in a plug for the upcoming LinuxFest Northwest, an annual community event in lovely Bellingham, Washington.

Regional events like this are very cool because they are casual and informal. Unlike IDG’s stuffed-shirt swag-fest called LinuxWorld Expo, this event is casual, informal and fun. Vendors are definitely there, but they generally send their techies–people who can set aside their talking points long enough to engage in actual  bi-directional dialog. Last year there were several peeps from Red Hat (some fairly prominent people, too!), but they were there mostly there to support breakout sessions, some of which they were not presenting.

From Novell, we have a couple people coming to the event. The inimitable Crispin Cowan will be there to present on how to use Novell AppArmor and generally discuss all things security with whoever. I’ll be presenting on Xen virtualization and data center management, as well as catch some sessions and hang out to chat about whatever.

I am also working at sponsoring an openSUSE booth at the show. If the LFNW event planners approve it, then you will probably find me there more than anywhere else.

Finally, I dropped a line to the conference organizers to see if they wanted to do a short interview for Novell Open Audio.

Drop a comment below if you will be at the event. (Or even if you are considering being there.)

6 Responses

  1. Sound good, I saw your GNOME / XGL presentation last year and quite enjoyed it, looking forward to Xen.

  2. See you there, Ted!

  3. Ted, planning the journey from Montana! Don’t get that much Linux action around here so gotta travel a bit. The CLIQ once was a fun conference to go to in Denver but they only did a couple of those before going broke.

  4. I’ll be in attendance as per usual. Given your recent change in employment are you still planning on attending?

  5. Becherer:
    Hell yes!

  6. Ted, I saw your prersentation last year at Linuxfest NW and it was excellent. The XML open GL cube was really cool.I don’t think I have seen a tech presentation that had as much enthusiasm and dynamic speaking as yours.
    I also Saw your presentation at Linuxworld. I like the NW show better as it is easier to talk to people such as yourself.
    And some of the local Linux companies even charter buses from Seattle(thank you). Thank you for Open Audio ecellent show.

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